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We write all types of

commercial, corporate, study or broadcast documents

Business card 

Your models of advertising media

Posters- Flyers- Roll-up
To increase your visibility 




Writing & proofreading of documents in French 

  • Communication documents 

  • Commercial documents 

  • Administrative letters 

  • Writings for the web 

Triple functions: It allows  to present your company, a product or an offer to potential customers. Then, it is  useful to give material to your salespeople who can rely on your sales brochure to prospect and convince. Finally, it helps  to develop and  enhance the image of your company.

Your business card  professionnelle  will convey essential information about your company during your contact.


GVFmédia personalizes all your de  cards

visit .

Your advertising objects will be personalized products used for the communication of your  company or associations. They are mainly gadgets or accessories distributed free of charge, with a promotional objective.

GVFmédia provides all theart of writing powerful and convincing messages to promote your brand, your product or your service.We combine advertising and commercial qualities to make it easier for your readers to take action with quality text.

GVFmédia is a writer and a proofreader who takes care of writing with you or for you as well as proofreading and correcting all your important documents. We take care of your documents from A to Z to carry out:

writing (dissertations, theses, product sheets, blog articles, technical documents, etc.)

proofreading / correction (dissertations, theses, product sheets, blog articles, technical documents, etc.)

a rewriting of thesis or dissertation for example, or for SEO optimization, a synthesis / a summary, a report, a transcription...

Service of

Journaliste, écrivaine, rédactrice, Réalisatrice Productrice diplômée de l’École Internationale de Comminucation de Paris des Métiers de l’Image et du Son (IICP), auteure de roman, correspondant de presse et biographe, Je vous accompagne pour écrire votre projet et le préparer à sa publication

GVFmédia takes care of anonymously writing a work signed by you. Whether 

CONCRETE a project of novel, work  .

TELL the story of a journey, a career, a life or a personal adventure.

PERFECT your style and the structure of a text through the expertise of a professional.

Commercial brochure



Ourprofessional writings do not seek to compose pretty literary sentences, but rather to design une precise and targeted communication

All professional writings each have a single objective : to communicate therefore to inform!  each is  specific to the audience for which it is intended:  Some inform, others persuade, others seek to provoke action… 

To each of these supports corresponds  a different way of writing. in content and form....

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