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Société GVFmédia
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The 5 major current media are: the press, television, cinema, posters, radio, the Internet. GVFmédia is at the crossroads of all these media that underpin the diversity of information and audiences. 


Journalism and communication company created in 2009,

GVFmédia first began its activity in women's magazines, then became involved as a correspondent for general local, regional and national information.

Intervening on different types of media, GVFmédia works in multi-trans-cross-media: texts, images, sounds, animations, illustrations, videos...Computers, telephones, tablets...For several distribution channels:_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


  • -   multimedia: several contents on a single medium;

  • -   crossmedia: a single content on several media;

  • -  le transmédia: several contents articulated on several supports.

It was in 2012 that the information activity specialized in the theme of health and well-being, producing articles, programs, reports, podcasts, documentaries and investigations: TV, radio, on certain pathologies ( Cancer, ALS, cardiovascular diseases, etc.) thanks to the expertise of recognized doctors, consultants and researchers. 

Today, GVFmédia   continues its information work on the web, radio and television, while offering its communication services to professionals and associations and  expanding certain of its skills, to individuals!  


Information Specialist

Global Health 

well-being, fitness and nutrition 



pseudo-medicines, alternative medicines, holistic medicines, traditional medicines, natural medicines, cultural medicines…




Understanding and making known the plurality of these medicines, which all come under the science of the human body, is the credo of GVFmédia, in what they have that is most true, most insightful, most singular and most positive. .


Each practitioner has a voice in the matter and defends his parish while respecting other alternative treatments which are neither opposed nor fusional, but complementary.


While they were only limited to well-being fairs, because "unscientific",   thanks to GVFmédia,  alternative medicines are well established street, in television, film, conference-projection, radio, photo,  independent production. Natural health is put into perspective and in complementarity with  traditional conventional medicine.


One goal! Show the non-compartmentalization of the dimensions of man in the face of his illness, his malaise  or his malaise, as well as his health, his joys and his well-being.


Everything is EVERYTHING!

Société GVFmédia




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